Talent Support Expert
Land Your Dream Job
Your one-stop support for interview preparation, resume writing, and general job search guidance.
How this works
Contact me to schedule a free 15 minute meeting so that I can understand what you are looking to achieve, or email me with your request and we will schedule a call then. I will provide a quote for approximately how much time we will need.
I help you tell your story
Job search starts long before you actually start applying for jobs. I will help you explore career paths, securely enhance your resumé, develop your professional skills, connect with industry experts, improve your networking ability, and ultimately, position you to get the best job offers possible by helping negotiate offer terms. Your time and money is valuable. After a free initial consultation, my services will be available for $110/hr.
Job applications are not just forms to fill out. Bridging the gap between who you are and how you appear in an interview takes serious work. From crafting your cover letters and resumes to intense mock interviews, I will guide you every step of the way.